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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bee Curious? Bid on a Bee Experience tour in North Seattle. The winner will get a personalized tour of our hives. The tour will start with an on the ground show and tell of the wooden ware that make up a Langstroth hive system and discuss the benefits of natural beekeeping. We will throw many fascinating factoids your way. After you’ve been suited up we will take the tour up to our almost flat garage roof to tour the insides of a working hive where you will get a live show and tell. Learn to tell the difference between a worker bee and a drone, brood cells and honey cells, maybe even spot the queen. 

Donated by Laurel Menoche and John Fox (and the tour's at their house)

Bidding starts at $50.

Fine print: Tour will be weather dependent as bees only exit the hives on dry days above 50 degrees, best if done midsummer when hives will be in full swing  You must be comfortable climbing a ladder and stepping onto a roof while wearing gloves and a hooded veil. Please don’t freak out, fall off our roof and sue us.

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